
Whadjuk Nyoongar Boodjar

Moran, P., Chandler, A., Dudgeon, P., Kirtley, O. J., Knipe, D., Pirkis, J., Sinyor, M., Allister, R., Ansloos, J., Ball, M. A., Chan, L. F., Darwin, L., Derry, K. L., Hawton, K., Heney, V., Hetrick, S., Li, A., Machado, D. B., McAllister, E., … Wright, M., … Christensen, H. (2024).

The Lancet commission on self-harm. Lancet, 404(10461), 1445–1492. [PDF].

The Lancet works with academic partners to identify the most pressing issues in science, medicine, and global health, with the aim of providing recommendations that change health policy or improve practice.

Wright, M., Webb, M., Davis, C., Councillor, B., Ramirez-Watkins, A., Jones, T., Fielder, J., Guima Chenin, T., & O’Connell, M. (2024).

Co-designing a relational ethical decision-making framework with Aboriginal Elders and young people to address health inequities. [PDF]

Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice.

Tiana Culbong, Uncle Albert McNamara, Aunty Irene McNamara, Uncle Peter Wilkes, Aunty Sandra Wilkes, Adrian Munro, Anne-Marie Eades, Margaret O’Connell, John Fielder, and Michael Wright (2024)

“Making Sure the Path Is Safe”: A Case Study of the Influence of Aboriginal Elders on Non-Aboriginal Organisational Leadership [open access]

Social Sciences 13: 220

Hunter Culbong, Ashton Ramirez-Watkins, Shae Anderson, Tiana Culbong, Nikayla Crisp, Glenn Pearson,
Ashleigh Lin and Michael Wright. (2023)

“Ngany Kamam, I Speak Truly”: First-Person Accounts of Aboriginal Youth Voices in Mental Health Service Reform [PDF]

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Dudgeon, P., Bray, A., Walker, R., Wright, M. & Sutherland, S. (2023)

Caring for Country: Indigenous Wellbeing, Law, and Environmental Justice.

This Chapter is from “Climate Change and Mental Health Equality” (Springer)
Editor: Rhonda Moore.

Wright, M., Culbong, T., Webb, M., Sibosado, A., Jones, T., Guima Chinen, T. & O’Connell, M. (2023).

Debakarn Koorliny Wangkiny: steady walking and talking using First Nations-led participatory action research methodologies to build relationships.

Health Sociology Review: The Journal of the Health Section of the Australian Sociological Association, 1–18.

T. Culbong, N. Crisp, B. Biedermann, A. Lin, G. Pearson, A. Eades, M. Wright. (2022)

“Building a Nyoongar work practice model for Aboriginal youth mental health: prioritising trust, culture and spirit, and new ways of working”

Health Sociology Review

M.Wright, D.Getta, O.Green, C.Kickett, H.Kickett, I.McNamara, A.McNamara, M.Newman, C.Pell, M.Penny, P.Wilkes, S.Wilkes, T.Culbong, K.Taylor, A.Brown, P.Dudgeon, G.Pearson, S.Allsop, A.Lin, G.Smith, B.Farrant, L.Mirabella, M.O’Connell. (2021)

“Co-Designing Health Service Evaluation Tools That Foreground First Nation Worldviews for Better Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcomes”

International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health

Wright, M., Brown, A., Dudgeon, P., McPhee, R., Coffin, J., Pearson, G., Lin, A., Newnham, E., King Baguley, K., Webb, M., Sibosado, A., Crisp, N., & Flavell, H. L. (2021).

Our journey, our story: a study protocol for the evaluation of a co-design framework to improve services for Aboriginal youth mental health and well-being.

BMJ Open, 11(5), e042981.

Rudman, M. T., H. Flavell, C. Harris, and M. Wright. (2021)

How prepared is Australian occupational therapy to decolonise its practice?.

Australian Occupational Therapy Journal


Wright, M., N. Crisp, E. Newnham, H. Flavell, and A. Lin. (2020)

“Addressing mental health in Aboriginal young people in Australia.” [PDF]

The Lancet Psychiatry 7 (10): 826- 827.

Newnham, E. A., P. L. Dzidic, E. L. P. Mergelsberg, B. Guragain, E. Y. Y. Chan, Y. Kim, J. Leaning, R. Kayano, M. Wright, L. Kaththiriarachchi, and 3 more contributors. 2020.

“The asia pacifc disaster mental health network: Setting a mental health agenda for the region.”

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (17): 1-9.

Scrine, C., B. Farrant, C. Michie, C. Shepherd, and M. Wright. 2020.

“Implementing genuine participatory action research with Aboriginal Elders: The Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort project.”

Action Research

Scrine, C., B. Farrant, C. Michie, C. Shepherd, and M. Wright. 2020.

“Raising strong, solid Koolunga: Values and beliefs about early child development among Perth’s Aboriginal community.”

Children Australia 45 (1): 40-47.

Wright, M., and D. Bessarab. 2019.

“The relevance and purpose of social work in Aboriginal Australia – post – or decolonization.”

In The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work Kleibl, T., R. Lutz, N. Noyoo, B. Bunk, A. Dittmann, and B. Seepamore., 218-232 United Kingdom: Routledge.

Sivak, L., S. Westhead, E. Richards, S. Atkinson, J. Richards, H. Dare, G. Zuckermann, G. Gee, M. Wright, A. Rosen, and 3 more contributors. 2019.

“Language Breathes Life”—Barngarla Community Perspectives on the Wellbeing Impacts of Reclaiming a Dormant Australian Aboriginal Language.”

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (20)

Wright, M., T. Culbong, N. Crisp, B. Biedermann, and A. Lin 2019.

“If you don’t speak from the heart, the young mob aren’t going to listen at all”:

An invitation for youth mental health services to engage in new ways of working.”

McGough, S., D. Wynaden, and M. Wright. 2018.

“Experience of providing cultural safety in mental health to Aboriginal patients: A grounded theory study.”

International Journal Of Mental Health Nursing 27 (1): 204-213.

Wright, M., S. Davison, and E. Petch. 2017.

Making visible the invisible: Aboriginal forensic mental health.” [PDF]

The Lancet Psychiatry 4 (12): 895-896.

Wright, M., A. Lin, and M. O’Connell. 2016.

Humility, inquisitiveness, and openness: key attributes for meaningful engagement with Nyoongar people.

Advances in Mental Health 14 (2): 82-95.

Kickett-Tucker, C., D. Bessarab, J. Coffin, and M. Wright. ed. 2016.

Mia Mia Aboriginal Community Development: Fostering Cultural Security.

United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Wright, M., A. Lin, and M. O’Cconnell. 2015.

Commentary on Black et al., a systematic review: Identifying the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder in Australia’s Indigenous populations.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 49 (11): 1062-1063.

Wright, M. R., and M. O’Connell. 2015.

Negotiating the right path: Working together to effect change in healthcare service provision to Aboriginal peoples.

Action Learning and Action Research Journal 21 (1): 108-123.

Wright, M. R., and E. Wilkes. 2015.

Nyoongar marmun wangkiny nidja Nyoongar boodja.

New Community 13 (3): 14-17.

Wright, M. R. 2014.

Reframing Aboriginal Family Caregiving, in Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practices.

In Working together : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health and wellbeing principles and practice Dudgeon, P., H. Milroy, and R. Walker., 243-256 AUSTRALIA: UWA.

Wright, M. R., M. Culbong, T. Jones, M. O’Connell, and D. Ford. 2013.

“Making a difference: Engaging both hearts and minds in research practice.”

Action Learning and Action Research Journal 19 (1): 36-61.

Wright, M., and M. J. O’Connell. 2013.

Weaving the narratives of relationship in community participatory research.

New Community Quarterly 11 (43): 8-14.

Wright, M. R. 2011.

“Research as Intervention: Engaging silenced voices.”

Action Learning and Action Research Journal 17 (2): 25-46.

Dudgeon, P., M. Wright, Y. Paradies, D. Garvey, and I. Walker. 2010.

“The Social, Cultural and Historical Context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.”

In Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice, 25-42 ACT: Commonwealth of Australia.

Wright, M., P. Dudgeon, H. D apos Antoine, and E. Wilkes. 2007.

“Would the Northern Territory plan pass the government’s own ethical guidelines?.”

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 31 (5): 490- 491.

Thompson, S., M. Wright, C. Giele, and P. Dance. 2005.

“Fulflling prophecy? Sexually transmitted infections and HIV in Indigenous people in Western Australia.”

Medical Journal of Australia 183 (3): 124-128.

Wright, M. R. 2000.

“An alternative model of practice: Aboriginal community-based inreach service for Aboriginal people with serious mental health issues, in Working with Indigenous Australians.”

A Handbook for Psychologists Dudgeon, P., 439-445 Australia: gunada Press.